North Queensland Register

Boarders find family and home at Columba

Boarders at Columba Catholic College enjoy the company of one another. Picture supplied
Boarders at Columba Catholic College enjoy the company of one another. Picture supplied

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Columba Catholic College has been providing exceptional education for over 140 years. The school offers contemporary facilities across two campuses and a curriculum that focuses on competencies such as connection, collaboration, entrepreneurial thinking, and a growth mindset.

As a co-educational school, students can find their own special niche for learning and personal growth.

The school has a kindergarten on site, providing a seamless educational and cultural experience spanning across the early, middle, and senior phases of learning.

Current Year 12 student and boarder Imogen Ruyg is one such student and has shared her thoughts on a day in the life of a boarder at Columba Catholic College.

"At Columba's Good Samaritan Residence, a typical day in the life of a girl boarder starts by waking up bright and early at 6.30, to get ready for school and go to the common room for breakfast up until 7.30, where it is then time to go back to our own bays and finish getting ready for school," Imogen said.

"We have a bus that then takes us from dorms on the Saint Mary's Campus to school on the Mount Carmel Campus at around 8am.

"From there, we are all at school and each attend our first three lessons in class. From 10.55 to 11.10 is morning tea, serving fresh fruits and snacks in the dining hall. We attend two more 45-minute-long lessons before lunch, with hot meals served in the dining hall from 12.50 to 1.30.

Columba Catholic College Year 12 student and boarder Imogen Ruyg. Picture supplied
Columba Catholic College Year 12 student and boarder Imogen Ruyg. Picture supplied

"In our second half of lunch, boarders and day students have the option to join in school activities or go to places like the ovals, library and ball courts. After lunch there are two more lessons before the end of school, when the boarding girls go up to the library stop to catch buses back to our dorms.

"There is a lot on offer in the afternoons, with a variety of college sports teams, academic and study groups and options for outside of school activities. All extra-curricular activities are accessible when transportation is organised with the dorm staff. Boarding students also have the option to go to social events, like football games, concerts, and community events as a group with dorms. In dorms, however, there is just as much to do, with a games room, gym and pool open for us to enjoy.

"At 6pm, we travel back to school for dinner. We eat in the dining hall and stay at the Mount Carmel Campus for study. Study is in year groups, with dorm staff and teachers there to support us in our studies and homework for an hour and a half. After we have finished studying, we get back on the bus at 7.30 and go back to the dorms for our nightly routine.

"Our kitchen stays open after dinner, where we can make Milo and have a snack before going for showers and getting ready for bed. Phones are handed in and lights are turned off at different times depending on your grade, then it is time to go to sleep, ready for the next day."

Columba Catholic College, Charters Towers Principal, Melissa Turner, said the College staff create a devoted, supportive learning environment, fostering a sense of community and belonging for each boarder.

"We encourage each student to discover, develop and value their talents, and to be the best they can be," Ms Turner said. "This is achieved through a balanced, well-rounded educational curriculum which is enhanced by comprehensive care in a comfortable and protective boarding environment.

The high quality food available to boarders gives therm a taste of home while on campus. Picture supplied
The high quality food available to boarders gives therm a taste of home while on campus. Picture supplied

"Through focusing on our students as individuals, we can ensure each is recognised as unique, cared for, and respected members of our college community. We provide access to a wide range of subjects and opportunities, matched to current and emerging pathways and our wrap-around program provides our boarders with structured weekend activities, transport to sporting and work commitments.

"At Columba Catholic College, our students are driven by a sense of purpose to be the best they can be, embracing the many opportunities available to them to achieve a balance between their academic, social, spiritual, sporting and cultural pursuits.

"We have a strong history of challenging students to become confident, committed, compassionate young men and women and welcome students from all communities to be part of our College."

  • For additional information about the boarding options, please contact the Columba Catholic College office on 07 4787 1744 or visit